Integrating Zotero with LaTeX in Aquamacs/Emacs Using Zotexo

Update: July 6, 2013: You need to change the file to zotelo

(require 'zotelo)
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'zotelo-minor-mode)

I am a long-time Zotero user, and I found it frustrating that I could not find a way to link  Zotero with LaTeX. Now, I have found one! It’s called Zotexo and can be found here, along with some basic instructions.

For those of you who are slightly less familiar with Emacs/Aquamacs, I wanted to  add to the Zotexo installation instructions.

Step 0

Zotexo works with RefTex, which allows you to grab citations from your .bib file automatically. Luckily, it comes prepackaged with Aquamacs. If you don’t use Aquamacs, you will have to install it.

Step 1

Like Zotero itself, Zotexo is browser dependent and you need to use Firefox. Firefox is slow for a lot of tasks, but I keep it around particularly for its Zotero integration. In order for Zotexo to your you need to install the add-on MozRepl . You need to both install it and turn it on for this to work.

Step 2

Next is the complicated part for Aquamacs/Emacs novices. You have to download zotexo.el (the program file) in a directory the Emacs will search and then write some code that lets Aquamacs/Emacs know it’s there. With Aquamacs the directory where you need to save the file  is:

/Users/UserName/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/.

If you have viewing of invisible files turned off, you may need to turn it on (see here)

Step 3

To make Aquamacs know to use zotexo.el, you will need to activate a new zotexo mode. To do this, you need to find where your InitFile is in Aquamacs. This file runs extra commands at the startup of Emacs. In Aquamacs this is quite easy  because it’s located in the same place where you saved zotexo.el  .  If you use emacs, this files is called .emacs. Either way, you need to open this file and plug the two lines of code on vitotshka’s instructions into your InitFiles. Save this file, then close and restart Firefox and Aquamacs.

(require 'zotexo)
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'zotexo-minor-mode)


Often RefTex will not recognize a new bibliography file

Ref –> Reset RefTex Mode will solve your problem. Good luck!